While working on this foundation for my house I have been at times overwhelmed by just how many components make up such a concept. What seems like a relatively simply thing is entirely more complex and their are components within this part of the project that people will never see. Yet, they are entirely integral to the stability of the foundation and by extension the whole house. Now you can probably see where I am going with this. The components of a foundation are much like the members of a church. Each one is valuable and unique and integral to the church body as a whole. Take the J-bars in this picture for instance. Now what are J-bars you might ask? They are the vertical pieces of rebar extending out of the foundation. Back to my example. The J-bars function to connect the concrete foundation to the brick which will then connect to the house itself. Without these guys the house would be unmoored. However, these J-bars cannot be placed on the ground. Due moisture coming from the ground the J-bars have to elevated on a track of rebar. This track is composed of two parallel bars connected by small connecting bars every few inches. These connecting bars are what support and attach the J-bars to the rest of the foundation.
So let me ask my readers this question. In my above example, what is the most important piece in that described system? Is it the J-bars, the connecting pieces, or the parallel bars. The answer is that no piece is more important than the others. They have all been cut to size by their design. I am sure you can see where I am going with this. Each piece is just like a member of the church body. They each have an individual purpose that if unfulfilled will create a weak spot in the foundation. So my challenge to everyone, including myself, is to grow how and where God seems to be calling you. If you know that you are meant to be a doctor then be the best doctor for the kingdom that you can be. If teaching sunday school or cleaning the church on Mondays is more in your line of calling then do that. To quote the wise Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda, “There are no accidents.” God designed and placed you where you are for a very specific purpose. So if you have a talent and an idea or place to use it for God’s kingdom, then I encourage you to pursue that opportunity committing the pursuit to God. You never know what he’ll do. If you’d like to learn more about this Christian concept. Christian Concept – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%2012%3A12-27&version=ESV